
Fleet Command Commands

usage: ngc fleet-command [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: apikey, appconfig, application, component, deployment, fc, location, log, metric, remote, settings, usage



Fleet Command API Key Commands

ngc fleet-command apikey [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: info, set



Set the apikey for private helm, model and container registries. Command will prompt for API key.

ngc fleet-command apikey set [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Show private registry apikey status.

ngc fleet-command apikey info [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

fc (usage)

Fleet Command GPU Usage Commands

ngc fleet-command fc [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: info, list



Show GPU counts and Log Storage details.

ngc fleet-command fc info [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Show the list if GPU's under management.

ngc fleet-command fc list [--column <column>] [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Specify output column as column[=header]. The header is optional. The default is: locationName[='Location Name']. Valid columns are: nodeName[='Node Name'], totalGpuCount[='Total GPU Count'], managedGpus[='Managed GPUs']. Use quotes with spaces. Multiple column arguments are allowed.


Fleet Command Application Configuration Commands

ngc fleet-command appconfig [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: create, download, info, list, remove, update



Show details for the specified appconfig.

ngc fleet-command appconfig info [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h] <target>
Positional Arguments

appconfig name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Remove the specified appconfig.

ngc fleet-command appconfig remove [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h] [-y]
Positional Arguments

appconfig name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.


List appconfig(s).

ngc fleet-command appconfig list [--column <column>] [--debug]
                                 [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

appconfig(s) to list. This argument supports Unix glob style pattern matching. If no target appconfig is given, all visible appconfigs will be listed.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Specify output column as column[=header], header is optional, default is name[=Name]. Valid columns are name[=Name], creationTimestamp[="Create Date"]. Use quotes with spaces. Multiple column arguments are allowed.


Download the appconfig yaml contents to a file.

ngc fleet-command appconfig download [--debug] [--dest <path>]
                                     [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

appconfig name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Destination to download the target appconfig yaml. Default: .


Create a new appconfig.

ngc fleet-command appconfig create [--debug] --filename <path>
                                   [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

appconfig name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

Required named arguments

appconfig filename - Provide the path to the appconfig yaml file.


Update the existing appconfig.

ngc fleet-command appconfig update [--debug] --filename <path>
                                   [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

appconfig name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

Required named arguments

appconfig filename - Provide the path to the appconfig yaml file.


Fleet Command Application Commands

ngc fleet-command application [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: create, info, list, remove, update



Show details for the specified application.

ngc fleet-command application info [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

Helm name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Remove the specified application.

ngc fleet-command application remove [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h] [-y]
Positional Arguments

Helm name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.


List Application(s).

ngc fleet-command application list [--column <column>] [--debug]
                                   [--display-name <string>]
                                   [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Specify output column as column[=header], header is optional, default is displayName[=Display Name]. Valid columns are displayName[="Display Name"], name[="Helm Name"], description[=Description]. Use quotes with spaces. Multiple column arguments are allowed.


Search for applications with the specified display name. This argument supports Unix glob style pattern matching.


Create a new application.

ngc fleet-command application create [--debug] --desc <string> --display-name
                                     <string> [--format_type <fmt>]
                                     [--git-reference <string>]
                                     [--git-repository-path <string>]
                                     [--git-repository-url <string>]
                                     [--helm <string>]
                                     [--helm-chart-name <string>]
                                     [--version <string>] [-h]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Helm URL.


Helm Chart Name.


Helm version.


This can be commit, tag, or branch. If omitted, will equal to HEAD


Directory path within the Git repository, and is only valid for applications sourced from Git.


URL to the repository (Git or Helm) that contains the application manifests.

Required named arguments

Application display name.


Application description.


Update an application.

ngc fleet-command application update [--debug] [--desc <string>]
                                     [--display-name <string>]
                                     [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

Helm name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Application display name.


Application description.


Fleet Command Component Commands

ngc fleet-command component [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: list



Print a list of available components.

ngc fleet-command component list [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] --from-date
                                 <date> --to-date <date> [-h]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

Required named arguments

Start of date range. (Format: yyyy-MM-dd::HH:mm:ss)


End of date range. (Format: yyyy-MM-dd::HH:mm:ss)


Fleet Command Deployment Commands

ngc fleet-command deployment [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: create, info, list, remove, update



Show details for the specified deployment.

ngc fleet-command deployment info [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

Deployment name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Remove the specified deployment.

ngc fleet-command deployment remove [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h] [-y]
Positional Arguments

Deployment name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.


List deployment(s).

ngc fleet-command deployment list [--column <column>] [--debug]
                                  [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

Deployment(s) to list. This argument supports Unix glob style pattern matching. If no target deployment is given, all visible deployments will be listed.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Specify output column as column[=header], header is optional, default is name[=Name]. Valid columns are name[=Name], app[="App Name"], locations[=Locations]. Use quotes with spaces. Multiple column arguments are allowed.


Create a new deployment.

ngc fleet-command deployment create [--allow-any-capability]
                                    [--appconfig <appconfig_name>]
                                    --application <application_id> [--debug]
                                    [--format_type <fmt>] --location
                                    [--target-namespace <target_namespace>]
                                    [-h] [-y]
Positional Arguments

Deployment name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


application config. If none given, the DEFAULT will be used


This is the Kubernetes namespace to be deployed into (if the app configuration does not override it).


Enable application access to all system devices for this deployment. (Applies to locations on version 1.0.0 or higher).Note, after deployment this option cannot be changed without recreating the deployment.


Enable application access to all of the file-system. (Applies to locations on version 1.8.5 or higher).Note, after deployment this option cannot be changed without recreating the deployment.


Enable application access to persistent volumes on the system. (Applies to locations on version 1.8.5 or higher).Note, after deployment this option cannot be changed without recreating the deployment.


Enable application pods to have any system capabilities on the system. (Applies to locations on version 1.8.5 or higher).Note, after deployment this option cannot be changed without recreating the deployment.


Enable privileged containers on the system. (Applies to locations on version 1.8.5 or higher).Note, after deployment this option cannot be changed without recreating the deployment.


Enable application access to the system processes. (Applies to locations on version 1.8.5 or higher).Note, after deployment this option cannot be changed without recreating the deployment.

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.

Required named arguments

location(s) to target. To specify multiple locations, use multiple --location arguments.


Application Id


Update a deployment.

ngc fleet-command deployment update [--add-location <location_name>]
                                    [--appconfig <appconfig_name>]
                                    [--application <helm_name>] [--debug]
                                    [--format_type <fmt>]
                                    [--remove-location <location_name>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

Deployment name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Application config.


Clear the appconfig. This will configure the deployment to use the DEFAULT appconfig.


Location(s) to add to the deployment. To add multiple locations, use multiple --add-location arguments.


Location(s) to remove from the deployment. To remove multiple locations, use multiple --remove-location arguments.

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.


Helm name.


Fleet Command Settings Commands

ngc fleet-command settings [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: current, set



Update global settings.

ngc fleet-command settings set [--alert-critical-level <alert-critical-level>]
                               [--alert-critical-message <alert-critical-message>]
                               [--alert-key <alert-key>]
                               [--alert-warning-level <alert-warning-level>]
                               [--alert-warning-message <alert-warning-message>]
                               [--debug] [--disable-application-logs]
                               [--format_type <fmt>]
                               [--remote-application-access-timeout <seconds>]
                               [--remote-console-max-idle-duration <seconds>]
                               [--remote-console-max-session-duration <seconds>]
                               [-h] [-y]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Enable remote management. This enables remote console, system reboot and monitoring.


Disable remote management. This disables remote console, system reboot and monitoring.


Set the remote console maximum session duration.


Set the remote console maximum idle duration.


Enable remote application access.


Enable remote application access.


Set the maximum duration of a remote application session.


Enable application and deployment logging.


Disable application and deployment logging.


Enable full system and location logging.


Disable full system and location logging. Only Fleet Command logging enabled.


Enable the use of security overrides when creating deployments.


Disable the use of security overrides when creating deployments.


Set the alert settings for particular key. Options: CPU,MEM,DISK


Set the threshold for which warning messages should be logged into alerts


Set the message for your report when critical level is reached


Set the threshold for which warning messages should be logged into alerts


Set the message for your alert when warning level is reached

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.


Display current global settings.

ngc fleet-command settings current [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Fleet Command Location Commands

ngc fleet-command location [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: add-system, create, info, list, mig-disable, mig-enable, reboot-system, remove, reset-location, update, update-version



Show details for a location or system.

ngc fleet-command location info [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>]
                                [--show-labels] [-h]
Positional Arguments

Location name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Show all the kubernetes labels associated with the NodeOnly usable if system is specified.


Remove a location or system.

ngc fleet-command location remove [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h] [-y]
Positional Arguments

Location or system name. Format: <location name>[:<system name>]

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.


List location(s) or system(s).

ngc fleet-command location list [--column <column>] [--debug]
                                [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

Filter the search by allowing glob-like patterns for location(s) or system(s). Format [location[:system]]. To target location(s) use "location_name". To target system(s) use "location_name:system_name". Both location_name and system_name support standard Unix shell-style wildcards like (?, [abc], [~a-z], etc.). Examples: "Location*" - list all locations with names matching "Location*". "location_a:" - list all systems at location_a. "location_b:austin" - list all systems at location_b matching "austin*".

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Specify output column as column[=header]. The header is optional. The default is name[=Name] for both locations and systems. Valid location columns are name[=Name], status[=Status], updateStatus[=Update Status], description[=Description], address[=Address]. Valid system columns are name[=Name], status[=Status], role[=Config], ipAddress[=Local IP]. Use quotes with spaces. Multiple column arguments are allowed.


Create a new location.

ngc fleet-command location create --address <string>
                                  [--allow-high-availability] [--debug] --desc
                                  <string> [--enable-argo-cd]
                                  [--format_type <fmt>]
                                  [--require-signed-containers] --version
                                  <semver> [-h]
Positional Arguments

Location name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Allows for the first three systems added to the location to automatically be set as controller-workers.Cannot be changed once created.


Deployments at this location require signed containers.


Enable locations to have applications that use ArgoCD

Required named arguments

Location description.


Location address.


NodeStack version.


Add a new system to a location.

ngc fleet-command location add-system [--debug] --desc <string>
                                      [--device-type <string>]
                                      [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

System name. Format: <location name>:<system name>

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Device Type

Required named arguments

System description.


Update version for a location.

ngc fleet-command location update-version [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>]
                                          --version <semver> [-h] [-y]
Positional Arguments

Location name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.

Required named arguments



Update a location or system.

ngc fleet-command location update [--address <string>] [--debug]
                                  [--desc <string>] [--format_type <fmt>]
                                  [--require-signed-containers] [-h]
Positional Arguments

Location or system name. Format: <location name>[:<system name>]

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Location or system description.


Location address.


New deployments at this location require signed containers.Previously deployed applications may include unverified containers.


Initiate reset of location. Action will recreate the Kubernetes cluster at the location. Expect application downtime while it automatically redeploys to the edge.

ngc fleet-command location reset-location [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

System name. Format: <location name>:<system name>

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.


Initiate reboot of the specified system. Remote management must be enabled to use this command.

ngc fleet-command location reboot-system [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

System name. Format: <location name>:<system name>

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.


Configure Multi-Instance GPU (MIG). MIG allows supported GPUs to be partitioned and used across multiple applications. Warning, this command should only be executed when all deployments using the GPU have been terminated and the GPU is idle. If this command is executed on a GPU with a running deployment, the changes will temporarily disrupt applications and may cause applications to stop running if a selected configuration is not compatible.

ngc fleet-command location mig-enable [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
                                      <target> <gpuId>:<config>
                                      [<gpuId>:<config> ...]
Positional Arguments

System name. Format: <location name>:<system name>


Space-separated list of GPU IDs and Configurations. Format: <gpuID>:<config>

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.


Disable Multi-Instance GPU(s) on a system.

ngc fleet-command location mig-disable [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
                                       <target> <gpuId> [<gpuId> ...]
Positional Arguments

System name. Format: <location name>:<system name>


Space-separated list of GPU IDs

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.


Fleet Command Log Commands

ngc fleet-command log [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: download



Print log entries over a period of time into a file in the CSV format. Limited to 100,000 entries

ngc fleet-command log download [--additional-query <query>]
                               [--component <component>] [--debug]
                               [--deployment <deployment>]
                               [--format_type <fmt>] [--from-date <date>]
                               [--location <location>] --name <name>
                               [--range <seconds>] [--system <system>]
                               [--to-date <date>] [-h]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Location name. Multiple locations can be provided. Default is '*' for all locations.


System name.


Deployment name.


Component name.


Additional query.


Start of date range. (Format: yyyy-MM-dd::HH:mm:ss)


End of date range. (Format: yyyy-MM-dd::HH:mm:ss)


Download the most recent logs starting from <range> seconds ago

Required named arguments

The name output file.


Fleet Command Metric Commands

ngc fleet-command metric [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: buckets, list, query, summary



Get the org wide list of buckets

ngc fleet-command metric buckets [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


List all metrics in a bucket

ngc fleet-command metric list --bucket <bucket> [--debug]
                              [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii

Required named arguments

Bucket Name


Provides a summary of a given metric

ngc fleet-command metric summary --bucket <bucket> [--debug] [--field <field>]
                                 [--format_type <fmt>] --from-date <date>
                                 [--location <location>] --to-date <date> [-h]
Positional Arguments

Metric Name

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Location name.


Field Name

Required named arguments

Bucket Name


Start of date range. (Format: yyyy-MM-dd::HH:mm:ss)


End of date range. (Format: yyyy-MM-dd::HH:mm:ss)


Raw InfluxDB query interface with Flux, returns a JSON object

ngc fleet-command metric query [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h] <query>
Positional Arguments

Raw flux query interface

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Fleet Command Remote Commands

ngc fleet-command remote [--debug] [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]  ...

Named Arguments


Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Possible choices: app-access, console



Uses ssh to establish a console session with the specified location.

ngc fleet-command remote console [--debug] [--end-session]
                                 [--format_type <fmt>] [-h]
Positional Arguments

Location and system name.

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Terminates the existing session


Proxies a Web-based application services running on edge systems to the localhost

ngc fleet-command remote app-access [--allow-external-traffic] [--debug]
                                    --deployment <deployment-name>
                                    [--end-session] [--format_type <fmt>]
                                    [--local-port <port-number>] [-h] [-y]
Positional Arguments

Location and port which service is currently running deployment

Named Arguments

Enable debug mode.


Possible choices: ascii, csv, json

Specify the output format type. Supported formats are: ['ascii', 'csv', 'json']. Only commands that produce tabular data support csv format. Default: ascii


Terminates the existing session


Will open locally on this port if able to, otherwise will fail


Forwards traffic to all interfaces, allowing all traffic to access this application

-y, --yes

Automatically say yes to all interactive questions.

Required named arguments


How to create a location

$ ngc fleet-command location create test-location --address "Austin TX" --desc "Create a test location" --version 0.4.30
  Location Information
      Name: test-location
      Address: Austin TX
      Description: Create a test location
      Status: NONE
      Version Last Updated:
      Version: 0.4.30
      Update Available:
      Update Status: UNKNOWN
      Logs: https://egxqatest.graylog.api.stg.ngc.nvidia.com/search?q=location%3Atest-location+AND+component%3A%2A&rangetype=relative&relative=0

How to add a system

$ ngc fleet-command location add-system test-location:test-sys-1 --desc "create a test system"
  Location Information
    Name: test-location
    Address: Austin TX
    Description: Create a test location
    Status: NONE
    Version Last Updated: 02/01/2021
    Version: 0.4.30
    Update Available:
    Update Status: UNKNOWN
    Logs: https://egxqatest.graylog.api.stg.ngc.nvidia.com/search?q=location%3Atest-location+AND+component%3A%2A&rangetype=relative&relative=0
    Message: System test-sys-1 successfully added, use activation code x6o0-s7u7-t6k2 to pair the system. The activation code will expire in 11:59:20.
        Name: test-sys-1
        Status: CONNECTING
        Marked For Delete: False
        Local IP:
        Description: create a test system
        Logs: https://egxqatest.graylog.api.stg.ngc.nvidia.com/search?q=location%3Atest-location+AND+source%3Atest-sys-1.egx.nvidia.com+AND+component%3A%2A&rangetype=relative&relative=0

How to create an application

$ ngc fleet-command application create test-helm-application --desc "Add a test application" --display-name "Test Helm Application" --helm https://helm.ngc.nvidia.com/testapp --version 1.0.0
   Application Information
     Display Name: Test Helm Application
     Helm Name: test-helm-application
     Create Time: 2021-02-01 18:02:33 UTC
     Description: Add a test application
     Helm Repo: https://helm.ngc.nvidia.com/testapp
     Helm Version: 1.0.0

How to create an application configuration

$ ngc fleet-command appconfig create test-appconfig --filename test-appconfig.yaml
  AppConfig Information
    Name: test-appconfig
    Create Time: 2021-02-01 18:04:39 UTC
        key: value

How to create a deployment

$ ngc fleet-command deployment create test-deployment --application test-application --location test-location
Deployment will initiate immediately and cannot be undone.  Are you sure you would like to continue? [y/n]y
  Deployment Information
    Name: test-deployment
    Application: test-application
    Logs: https://egxqatest.graylog.api.stg.ngc.nvidia.com/search?q=deploymentname%3test-deployment&rangetype=relative&relative=0
    Issue: One or more locations are offline. Deployed applications may stop running and no new deployments can be made to those locations until they are online.
        Name: test-system
        Location Status: OFFLINE_MODE
        Deployment Status: DEPLOYING
        Description: Create a test location
        Address: test-application
        Logs: https://egxqatest.graylog.api.stg.ngc.nvidia.com/search?q=location%3test-location+AND+deploymentname%3Aus-north-100&rangetype=relative&relative=0

How to update a MiG configuration

Get GPU MiG configurations

$ ngc fleet-command location info test-location:test-system
 System Information
   Name: test-location
   Status: READY
   Marked For Delete: False
   Config: controller-worker
   Local IP:
   Description: test-location
   Advanced Networking Details
     Default Gateway:
     Default Interface: ens5f0
     Host Name: test-location.egx.nvidia.com
     HTTP Proxy:
     HTTPS Proxy:
     No Proxy:
     Interface 1
       Name: ens6f0
       IP Addresses: fe80::bace:f6ff:fedf:e8b4/64

     Interface 2
       Name: ens6f1
       IP Addresses: fe80::bace:f6ff:fedf:e8b5/64

     Interface 3
       Name: ens5f0
       IP Addresses:, fe80::ac0:ebff:fe32:5c8a/64

     Interface 4
       Name: ens5f1
       IP Addresses: fe80::ac0:ebff:fe32:5c8b/64

   GPU Details
     Application Compatibility: Yes
     GPU 0
       Description: NVIDIA A30-24GB
       MIG Status: ENABLED
     MIG Profile: 4 MIGs of 1c.6gb
       Available MIG Profiles: 2c.12gb, 1c.6gb


$ ngc fleet-command location mig-enable test-location:test-system 'GPU 0:1c.6gb' -y
  Warning, changes will temporarily disrupt any running applications on test-location.
  Successfully sent request to enable MIG on test-location, GPUs: GPU 0:1c.6gb.

How to delete an appconfig/deployment

$ ngc fleet-command appconfig remove 028567238d52b00e76810cd2d3bac6bf -y
appconfig '028567238d52b00e76810cd2d3bac6bf' successfully removed.

$ ngc fleet-command deployment remove temp-deployment -y
Deployment 'temp-deployment' successfully removed.

How to create a custom deployment with appconfig

$ ngc fleet-command deployment create --location test-location --application t2cf1b295-a4aa-4024-ac8f-7c928b8b80c7l --appconfig 2a978ac8e17d6220719494a29d813673 test-deployment-name2
Deployment will initiate immediately and cannot be undone.  Are you sure you would like to continue? [y/n]y
 Deployment Information
   Name: test-deployment-name2
   Application: t2cf1b295-a4aa-4024-ac8f-7c928b8b80c7l
   Appconfig: 2a978ac8e17d6220719494a29d813673
   Application Access to All System Devices: Disabled
   Allow any path to be used by host path: Disabled
   Allow host path persistent volume: Disabled
   Allow any capability: Disabled
   Allow privileged containers: Disabled
   Allow host namespace: Disabled
 Name: test-location
     Location Status: ONLINE
     Deployment Status: DEPLOYING
     Description: HQ Building
     Address: San Tomas Expwy

How to use remote console

$ ngc fleet-command remote console a-a-a-apartha-gpuoploc:gpuopnode
Console request created
Console not ready, Retry 1/10
Console not ready, Retry 2/10
Console ready; setting up connection...
Connecting to console... use Ctrl-C/Ctrl-D to exit
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:52277' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Authorized uses only. All activity may be monitored and reported.
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No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:     Ubuntu
Description:        Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
Release:    20.04
Codename:   focal